Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dry Spell......

So, since my return from vacation, where weather prohibited me from doing any of the Plein Aire painting I had planned....pout.  So now, I am experiencing a drought of inspiration, and I thought I might search some other venues for that inspiration.  I would like to attempt a series of paintings depicting various armours from throughout history, if I can find photos that I like. I am more than a little interested things medieval, and am prone to fits of recreation, and involvement in the Society for Creative Anachronisms.

Friday, September 17, 2010

WIP: Big Bird....wild hairdo. Finished

This is where I am going to leave this one. I have submitted it for C&C on the site, and can't wait for some feedback. This was done on Canson 11X15 140lb cold press, with W&N paints.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WIP: Big Bird....wild hairdo

Working on this as part of the September Watercolour Challenge on  I haven't played much with masking, so this has been an experience.